
Managed hosting service

With the introduction of VMware Broadcom’s new partner model, Solvinity now offers an IaaS+ service on the Solvinity Private Cloud for IT companies that can no longer purchase licenses themselves. This way, you can still deliver a secure and reliable service to your customers, with the ease of partnering with an experienced provider at attractive rates. 

The Solvinity VMware IaaS+ service includes

The Solvinity Private Cloud is the foundation for many Dutch government institutions and companies, such as financial service providers that want to protect their data extra carefully. Your customers benefit from the highly secure infrastructure, which is audited annually by KPMG, and has received SOC 1 and SOC 2 assurances for many years. 

Service components: 

  • Setting up and securing the network and deploying servers.
  • Access to servers where you can install and configure your applications.
  • Solvinity performs OS management on the VMs:
    • OS Hardening (including implementing CIS baseline scanning)
    • OS Patching
  • Providing Windows and Linux OS licenses and ensuring their continued availability, based on Solvinity-maintained standard templates.


  • Applying patches to the operating system according to Solvinity’s standard process and as quickly as possible for critical security updates.
  • Hardening the operating system in accordance with Solvinity’s security policy.
  • Patching and hardening OS components or other software installed by the customer.


The Advantages

You in control, our Facilities

As a VMware Broadcom Premier partner, we provide the licenses and the infrastructure you need. But you still retain control over customer environments under your care.

Extra secure Dutch Solvinity Private Cloud

Security is in our blood and in our basic infrastructure on Dutch soil. The service is offered based on ISO27001, ISAE3402, SOC 1, and SOC 2, and we also offer additional security services.

Focus on your Customer

Since Solvinity takes care of the secure infrastructure, you can fully focus on the customer.


Why Solvinity

Cost Savings

Solvinity, as a "Premier Partner" of VMware, can negotiate higher discounts than most other customers, resulting in cost savings for clients. This is especially beneficial given the recent pricing by Broadcom.

White Label Offering

As a Premier Partner, Solvinity can provide VMware subscriptions to other organizations, allowing you to offer these services under your own brand and expand your service portfolio.

Optimized Infrastructure

Solvinity’s strategy to "rightsize" their server infrastructure means you can benefit from optimized and efficient use of resources, leading to better performance and reduced costs.

Access to Expertise

Clients gain access to the specialized knowledge and technical expertise of the Solvinity Platform Team in managing and optimizing VMware environments.

Proactive Management and Support

The Solvinity Platform Team's approach has a proactive stance towards managing VMware costs and infrastructure, ensuring you receive reliable and high-quality service.


Solvinity's IaaS+ service offers scalable solutions that can grow with the needs of your business and your customers. This way, you only pay for what you use but have the flexibility to expand when needed.

Price/Performance Ratio

Solvinity continuously invests in the entire infrastructure, from server to security and storage. This ensures you get the best possible performance for the use of the service.

Strategic Advice

Based on our years of experience with large companies and institutions, we can provide you with strategic advice on how to best utilize your VMware environment, including recommendations for deactivating unnecessary servers and optimizing your virtual infrastructure.


Also important: we meet all national and international compliance requirements with our SOC 1 and SOC 2 assurances, which have been renewed for the fourth year in a row this year. This provides you with the assurance that processes and organizational controls are tested and in order.

More information about VMware?

Are you interested in our VMware IaaS service or would you to receive more information? Our consultants can help you further.

Contact us.​